Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taekwondo Taeguk Il Jang and Palgwe Il Jang

This set of videos was filmed in part at Gyeongbokgung, Seoul. I have the English edition of these disks.

I am hoping to return to South Korea and hope that I will have the chance to learn the palgwe as well as the taeguk. I have a yellow belt, but have no problem starting again with a white belt. I earned the belt in March 2007, and has been a very long time since I had a sabomnim to instruct me in the correct path I am to walk as I progress in Taekwondo.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kristine Sa sampler

Hallelujah - cover of the Leonard Cohen classic

A Song of Faith (original demo)

Nobody - acoustic demo

Lonely Asylum